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Just sharing some of my thoughts, experience, knowledge, fun, etc I have in my life to cheer up if not help out someone who passes by my blog someday in someway. Who knows right? :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Big Picture - Human landscapes from above
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Saturday, April 25, 2009
Funny video ~ Magnets?
Haha... I still remember we joked about putting magnets on the basketball and the basket rim to boost the accuracy of our jumpshots back in my school days. Seems like this is a universal belief that everybody tries to explain how NBA players can shoot so well? :)
Funny video ~ Yes look passes?
So there IS an explanation behind every trick. Urm... but I think there's still some difference between magic and basketball ya? :D
By the way, this is a promo video to NBA playoffs.
Amazing photo ~ The smallest man with his pet cat
It looks really awe-inspiring and bizarre at the same when I see this photo. But it does give me a good feeling just to see the owner and his pet playing together so 'closely'.
Cool video ~ Amazing bird imitates sounds and voices
Wow... I'm really impressed here. Those sci-fi sounds like laser shots could be as well imitated? And in the end she could make it yawn too!! Really amazing creature.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Funny video ~ 动物忍耐大赛
This is so hilarious! The monkey is so cute and innocent. I feel so sympathetic to it in the end of the test. It's the best but also the most pitiful contestant among all animals. Haha... :D
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Funny video ~ 100 men's prank show
Haha... This is something I've never seen or imagined before. What can a hundred men do to fool you? I especially like the last one :D I think it's proven something: that we will first do what most others do when we have no idea what's going on around us. That's an autonomic reaction. True enough...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cool video ~ 日本隱世高手
These guys are not human. They are immortals. Maybe these skills were trained during WWII. Who knows?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Memo ~ What this psychological test tells about me...
四、他家裡一定有鬼。 (my choice :P)
4. 說話一直線是你的特色,你不會畏懼權力的威脅,具有獨斷、領導的本能,你常要求自己一定要時時刻刻進步,有種不落人後的上進態度,也因為這樣,你身邊的朋友不太敢接近你,怕被你取笑,但其實你並非是這種人,建議你多往人際關係發展。
4. 當你踏進一個新環境時,你總是扮演著佼佼者的角色,很自然的,就會有很多人想接近你,但過了一段時間後,因為你的求進態度,希望別人也能夠有像你這樣的能力,造成別人對你的疏離,但你是出自好心,並無其它心機。建議你先去了解他們的生活態度,再進一步的適應。
4. 老是在工作的你,根本就沒時間談戀愛,常會有人在暗戀你,但你卻不曉得,所以說,像你這樣的領導人物,通常都會比較晚婚。
4. 與生俱來的領導能力,在工作時一定是發揮的淋璃盡致,雖然如此,有時也要聽聽下屬的意見,儘管你做的都是對的、又有效率,畢竟會有所議論或怨言,因此,當你正在忙的暈頭轉向時,花點時間靜下來聽聽別人的建言。
4. 說到花錢,你一定不落人後,當然不是揮霍無度,而是把錢花在時代尖端的產物上,愛好追求時髦也是你花錢大把的原因之一,儘管你很會花錢,但你懂得如何去賺錢,是個相當有商業頭腦的人。
Incredibly I find the analysis on me is quite accurate (and maybe on others too), and even tells me something I've never realized too! Well, a less accurate one may be the monetary part. Or maybe I'm gonna make more money in the future! :P
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Funny video ~ 不準笑系列(圖書館篇)
Try to watch this and at the same time hold your laughter to not let it out. And try to guess what's meant by "old man bites tenderly" :D :D :D
Music video ~ America's Suitehearts (Fall Out Boy)
"I must confess... I'm in love with my own sin..."
"I must confess... I'm in love with my own sin..."
Sports video ~ Taiwan 陳信安 dunks over man
Wow! I knew he's perhaps the greatest in Taiwan basketball but never really seen his live action until now.