Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flickr ~ jap_garden_canopy

jap_garden_canopy, originally uploaded by ahp_ibanez.

Behold the beauty of Japan.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another BIG DAY has come

Today it was officially announced that I've been transferred to the pre-sales division. Basically my job scope now has more to do with presentations to prospective customers and more talking time liao :D

Well, surely, my mind is both excited and puzzled with uncertainties at this moment. I mean, in my ex-company I used to do presentations on my R&D researches in front of my fellow colleagues. I'd usually have done it comfortably and confidently to some extent. But talking to the outside people and some more have to convince them of the things I'm doing? Well, it could be very challenging to ME.

Anyway, the new division seems to be friendly and I'll have more chances to meet some girls out there liao :P Ooops... I shouldn't have said it that way because most of the people who know ME would not even think for a split second that I'm actually joking, right? :D

Well, life is about making changes to fit in better our minds into this physical world. We should not resist changes all the time. It would not only make our own lives dull but as well as those of the people around in your life. So, throw the dices out!

Oh by the way, I've just started to make tea in my office as a habit. And it's the Japanese green tea. Well, too much caffeine in my previous days liao and I'm now trying to live out an healthier life too :) (and more gym!)

This is the brand of green tea I'm trying on now. Yeap it tastes pretty much like the Japanese restaurant's.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've been keen to get a Nintendo Wii console when I have my own place to stay in the city. Unfortunately, my house plan has been postponed indefinitely for now. :(

But then...

the Wii console...

has come into my life first! Tada~

Well, it's not really an interesting story to tell about how did I get my Wii so "early" in my planning (because it's not that hard also :P). Initially I've planned to get it only when I've got my place right? It can't be more accurate than I just say it came in a big surprise to me! Last time I shared my little enthusiasm about this Wii thing with my boss. So happened that her son is working in Chicago at this moment. And so we talked about getting one from US since I can get it anytime I want it.

And? Tada~ It's here now. Haha... I don't know want to cry or laugh now. I guess me and my boss didn't tuned in the same frequency at first place. :P (And somehow I feel like a teenager boy who is told by his small girlfriend that she's got their first baby liao!)

So here's the Wii. The side view:

The front:

The front in close-up again:

The Nintendo logo on the console body:

What I've got in the box:

Box #2:

And this game disc comes together bundled with the concole box. It has 5 mini games inside as seen on the hard cover: boxing, bowling, golf, tennis and baseball. Let me share with you that this is how I've got hooked by the charisma of Wii. I watched the demo clip that featured these mini games which were released by Nintendo just to showcase to the world the potentials behind the Wii concept. It's bringing up "in-game" experience that can immerse the players into the game dimension. Or I should just say "I'M IN THE GAME" (quoted from EA Sports). Well, search for the demo clip and you'll understand better.

And this is another game box that has 9 more games inside plus another controller stick (2nd player).

So everything is up and ready, except, well... where's the TV? Darn... Should I have bought a TV altogether? Nah... wait. I don't think a 21" TV will serve right for me to play Wii (it's a waste and shame!). So I shall wait for the next weekend till I get back to my hometown to introduce the treasure I've discovered to my family. And hopefully I can get some live action pics when I get into the games then.

Until then, stay tuned...

Flickr ~ Double Coconut

Double Coconut, originally uploaded by janelbot.

Don't get it wrong OK? It's not what you're thinking now. It's not a human-made thing. In fact, it's made by the mother nature. See? Again you're thinking to a different direction...

This is called "double coconut". And it has the biggest seeds in this world according to an Australian biologist. And I swear I read it from the Discovery Channel article here. And it can weigh up to 27 kilograms!

Nice shape huh? :P

Friday, October 17, 2008

Flickr ~ Rack mount

Rack mount, originally uploaded by '56 Mojo.

Someone's got to put a "Shoot On Sight" signboard outside of this room. Oh, that includes a mouse, a cockroach or an ant.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Memo ~ Is that a sign?

This is my daily horoscope (scorpio) for today (by

"Before things settle down into a more regular pattern, you may find yourself getting exhausted trying to keep up with everything. Although you are able to do what's expected, your life could feel overly complicated now. Instead of attempting to push back toward the basics, resign yourself to staying in touch with your complex life until it starts to reintegrate and simplify."

Seems like I've just got myself on the right track and I'd better keep on this track from now onwards to welcome some brand new elements into my simplistic life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Memo ~ My next milestone?

Today I've made another move in my carrier. A decision has been made to explore more possibilities in myself to advance ahead. It's just the start but it might be a big one too.

I've been dwelling on my carrier direction for a while now. And I've been staying outside of the world that I once struggled in and looking at familiar bummers on people which once befell on me. Do I want to go back? Well, maybe next time.

I'm ready to go. Maybe I'm not prepared perfectly. But I believe once I've made my move, I'll be the first person to make sure that I'm prepared. To be prepared to move on to the next milestone. I'll make sure that happens. Because I have to.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jokes ~ Men and women (again?)

~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~
There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go thru hell for her. They got married - and now he is going thru hell.

~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.

~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~
When she is 18 - She is a football, 22 men going after her. When she is 28 - She is a hockey ball, 8 men going after her. When she is 38 - She is a golf ball, 1 man hitting on her. When she is 48 - She is a ping pong ball, 2 men pushing to each other.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cool video ~ David Copperfield's death saw

Warning: there is EXTREME material in this video. See the title above?

Well, I do like those blockbuster magic shows like traversing through the Great Wall of China and making the Statue of Liberty disappears. But what's more interesting to me is those close-up acts which have defied all common senses and left me stunned until today.

To any young generation who has missed the most popular magic stunts back in late 80's: meet David Copperfield.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Revisit to Penang (2008/09/28 ~ 2008/10/02)

This Raya holiday I spent my time in my 2nd hometown Penang. I did not plan anything special in this trip but to meet my old friends and "re-live" my old days there just like back a year ago. Really nothing special. I just went to eat my favorite food, see the sights I used to see, walk on the roads I used to walk, window-shop the shops I used to window-shop... It's just as simple as breathing the air.

This was actually my 1st "real" trip back to Penang after I had left for more than a year ago. I had the chance to re-do all the things I used to do, but I never had the chance to un-do things I had wished to have done in better ways. Haha... seems like I'm back to my normal self when I have got back to my old place. Well, only this time is not to shed any tears. So that's alright to do it once in a while.

And wow! I have found the 3rd franchise shop of my favorite Japanese restaurant! It's Yataimura! That's right! It's in Queensbay. This one I found it's a bit less spacey. But it's got some unique in its interior design too. See all the beer bottles on the rack? Don't know why I really can get excited to get immersed inside such an environment. Ahaha... Oh, but the food isn't as nice as the 1st ever franchise shop.

Here it goes - the Yataimura restaurant logo on a tissue bag.

The last time Penang Times Square came across my life was when I was really interested to buy a unit there! Yet it was too expensive for me at that time to live a life that way. Now? It's already standing tall in the city center! Damn... (seems like I don't have any luck in finding my home sweet home... yet)

So see you again Penang next year!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Funny video ~ David Copperfield in slow motion duck

I remember seeing this when I was a small kid. It's still so funny watching it back again. Good duck, good boy, good boy.

Funny video ~ Will he fit?

Will He Fit? - Watch more free videos

Looks like we humans still have a lot to discover out from ourselves. Make your backyard your personal science laboratory and playground!